Welcome to the 102nd Money Hacks Carnival: The Building a New Blog Edition.
Let’s not beat around the bush here. Many of you reading this are thinking wtf is Passive Income Now? Most of you have probably never heard of PIN. It’s all good. This is the fun part. Growing a blog/audience from the ground up.
I hope you all enjoy today’s theme about building a new blog.
Editor’s Picks:
debt kid presents What Is A Debt Snowball posted at Debt Kid.
GLBL presents Famous quotes about money posted at Gather Little by Little.
Kyle C. presents Can you Build a Credit History Without Getting a Credit Card posted at Suburban Dollar: Personal Finance Blog from a Suburbanite’s Perspective.
Jeff Rose presents 10 Tips for Budgeting in the New Year posted at Jeff Rose.
Economy: Getting new readers.
Arguably the most funnest and most difficult part. This is the part that involves social media, networking, and lots of guest posting. It seems like every day a new personal finance blog enters the blogosphere. Not only does this make it more challenging to find new readers, but it facilitates creativity.
Bucksome presents Do Baby Boomers Know How to Find A Job? posted at Buck$ome Boomer’s Journey to Retirement.
jim presents S&P500 Dividend Aristocrats posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.
20smoney presents Long Term Outlook For Wal-Mart Is Excellent posted at 20s Money.
Income: When will the money come?
I’m not worried about the income yet. I find that too many new bloggers immerse themselves in the whole blog monetization system that they forget about their readers. Not PIN. Priority number one is to build an audience. Once PIN begins to add value to the readers and builds a community, money will be thought about. For now it’s time to just enjoy the ride.